Tuesday, March 29, 2011

EasyRelease for iPad

The iPad has quickly become an integral part of our business. We blogged earlier on how we use the ipad with an Eye-Fi card which allows us to review images in real-time during a shoot. Talent, crew and clients have all commented on how much they appreciate being able to review images while they're being taken. It's become a very valuable photography tool for us.

The iPad has taken on a new role in our business now by helping with model releases. A new app for iPad called "Easy Release" makes the process a no-brainer by allowing us to create, manage and send model or property release forms, all from the iPad.

I'm notorious for packing the gear I need, but completely forgetting the correct paperwork. I have model and release forms posted to my website for download but that relies on the talent to take the initiative and fill it out. An on-site solution is ideal for me and Easy Release by Application Gap fits the bill perfectly.

On first launch, you can enter all of your default information such as photographer names and contact info. You can even attach a company logo for customization.  Once this information is stored, you never have to enter it again.  When it's time to create a release, the app walks you through, step-by-step, as you collect the shoot info, model info, and witness info.  Once all the data is entered you can turn the device sideways and have each stakeholder sign the release by using their finger.  You can even use the built-in camera of the device to capture a reference image of your talent. Once everything is completed and signed you can send a copy to everyone instantly.  Both you and the model will have a completed and signed form waiting in your email by the time you get home.

Easy Release has an impressive list of features compared to it's competitors and a very reasonable purchase price.  Application Gap also advertises versions for iPhone and Android devices as well.

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