Friday, September 2, 2011

Your guide to the latest photography trends & fads

We're living in an exciting time for photography, a renaissance really.  Never before have we had the tools to create images so easily accessible.  You're probably wearing one right now in your pocket or purse if you have a smartphone.  Not only are digital cameras cheap and ubiquitous but we have so many platforms to publish our photos instantly to a global audience with the push of a button.  The upside of all this new technology is the creativity that it's been inspiring from the people who use it.  We've been seeing a LOT of new trends in photography due to the social nature of photosharing and we thought we might help de-mystify some of the most popular ones for you.  So in no particular order we have...

HORSEMANNING is actually a revival of sorts.  It got it's origins from "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and was a popular photography fad back in the 1920's.  To properly pull off a horse manning requires two people where one person hides their head and the other person hides their body.

Visual examples

PHOTOBOMBING is the technique of appearing randomly in the background of someone else's photo in a lewd, dorky, creative or ironic way.  The trick is to do it right before the photo is taken so that nobody will notice until they look at the photo. Sometimes it happens serendipitously, sometimes it's premeditated but it's almost always hilarious. It's especially funny when celebrities do it!
Used in a sentence - "Charlie Sheen photobombed my wedding portrait."
Visual examples -

PLANKING is the fine art of photographing yourself, or having someone photograph you, while your body is straight, stiff like a board and positioned in a unique or awkward angle - face down.  Generally the more difficult or creatively placed your 'plank' is, the more points you score.  Not for people with lower back problems!

Used in a sentence - "We saw this guy planking in the sewer!"
Visual examples

LEVITATION is a technique used to make yourself appear as if you were hovering or levitating just above the ground.  In theory, you simply jump into the air just before the camera is triggered, but in practice it's much more difficult.  The trick is to jump into a pose that doesn't "look" like you jumped into a pose.  Also requires strong legs!
Visual examples -
How-to Video

IN-GAME CAR PHOTOGRAPHY has become in interesting new genre of "virtual" photography as game developers have introduced the ability to take still photos of the virtual worlds they create.  It started as the "instant replay" feature in race games but has become so sophisticated that the developers of Grand Turismo 5 allow you to control the aperture, shutter speed and focal length of a virtual camera in a virtual world of virtual cars with stunning detail.
Visual examples

If we've missed anything up-and-coming or if you know of a trend we missed, let us know.  Leave a comment!

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